PPC Management

Bing Ads vs Google Ads: Which is Better?

Bing Ads vs Google Ads: Which Is Better?

When it comes to deciding which search engine platform to advertise on, there are a lot of factors to consider, which is why we’ve created this guide on Bing Ads vs. Google Ads.  To help you decide which paid search network you should … Read More

How to Choose the Right Ad Campaign Objective

How to Choose The Right Ad Campaign Objective

Your first step in creating a Facebook ad campaign is to select your campaign objective. This lets Facebook know which event to target and optimize your budget and bidding for. Think of it like telling Facebook what it is you wish to achieve and … Read More

What is Facebook Retargeting?

What is Facebook Retargeting?

Facebook retargeting is when you run ads to people who have previously interacted with your business in some way. This could be a past website visitor, a returning customer, a Facebook page fan, etc. These types of people often times are far … Read More

How to Use Facebook Dynamic Creative

How to Use Facebook Dynamic Creative

Dynamic product ads allow you to target customers who have recently visited your website and browsed key product pages, but left before completing a purchase. This is typically a great audience to target because of their elevated interest in the … Read More

Types of Facebook Custom Audiences

Types of Facebook Custom Audiences

The use of custom audiences can lead to some of the best targeting in your entire Facebook Ads account. These are highly defined groups of people who have established a relationship with your business in the past, such as past customers, … Read More

Facebook Image Sizes

Facebook Image Sizes

When posting on Facebook, either to your page or a new advertisement, the right image dimensions can make or break the post. To ensure your brand looks professional these are the Facebook Image Sizes and Dimensions to follow. Facebook News … Read More

How to Create a Dark Post on Facebook

How to Create A Dark Post on Facebook

A dark post on Facebook may just be the best thing you’ve never heard of. Offering great amounts of power, these posts might just be the difference maker for your advertising ROI. First things first, what are dark posts? Unlike … Read More

5 Best Google Ads Examples

Google Ads are an amazing way to increase sales and find new customers but without the right strategies it can quickly become a cash burner and not a cash earner. Before we jump into the 5 best Google Ads examples … Read More