Realtor Digital Marketing

Promoting Real Estate Company Websites

We keep updated on the latest marketing trends for real estate companies. This includes search ads, social media, email marketing, lead generation, CRO, and more!

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Digital Marketing Services for Realtors

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Companies

Digital marketing for realtors involves advertising through online channels like websites, search engines, social media, email, and mobile apps.

Many realtors think website advertising is just another term for SEO or paid advertising. While both of those services are used in realtor digital advertising, neither completely explains the depth of a modern internet advertising program.

Today's online marketing services often include dozens of strategies, all working in tandem to help your real estate company improve visibility and conversions.

Let's go over some ideas from our digital advertisers for your industry!

Clutch Ecommerce
Clutch Link
Forbes Council
Goodfirms SEO
Manifest SEO
Upcity Agency

50+ Digital Marketing Strategies for Realtors

Our team of digital advertising consultants know the latest internet advertising trends for realtors.

For years, our team has assisted realtors with their digital marketing goals. The strategies / tactics discussed in this section can help with online marketing for realtors and even:

  • Real Estate Agencies
  • Real Estate Investment Firms
  • Real Estate Brokerage Firms
  • Commercial Real Estate Firms
  • Luxury Real Estate Agencies
  • Home Staging Companies
  • Real Estate Appraisal Firms
  • Real Estate Auction Houses
  • Relocation Services
  • Real Estate Consulting Firms
  • ...and more!

A Few of Our digital marketing experts

1.) Lead Generation for Realtors

Lead generation is a crucial digital marketing strategy for realtors looking to connect with potential buyers and sellers in the competitive real estate market. By implementing targeted tactics, you can attract leads who are actively seeking properties or real estate services. Here are 5-10 specific strategies to help you generate more leads as a realtor:

  1. Local SEO: Optimize your website and online profiles for local search engine optimization. Use relevant keywords, create location-specific content, and ensure your contact information is consistent across platforms. This way, when people search for real estate agents or properties in your area, your website will appear in the search results, increasing your chances of generating leads.
  2. Virtual Tours: Offer virtual tours of properties you are listing. Create engaging video content that showcases the property's features, layout, and amenities. Share these virtual tours on your website, social media platforms, and real estate listing websites. Virtual tours provide potential buyers with an immersive experience and can attract leads who are interested in a particular property.
  3. Online Advertising: Utilize online advertising platforms, such as Google Ads or social media ads, to target potential buyers or sellers in your area. Create compelling ad campaigns that highlight your expertise, properties you represent, or the specific real estate services you offer. By reaching the right audience with targeted ads, you can generate leads who are actively searching for real estate assistance.
  4. Email Marketing: Build an email list by offering valuable resources, such as real estate market reports, home-buying or selling guides, or property investment tips. Send regular newsletters with personalized property recommendations, market updates, and relevant insights. By nurturing leads through email marketing, you can establish trust, build relationships, and convert them into clients.
  5. Client Testimonials: Showcase testimonials from satisfied clients on your website and social media platforms. Include details of successful transactions, positive experiences, and the value you brought to your clients. Testimonials build trust and credibility, and potential buyers or sellers will be more likely to reach out to you when they see the positive experiences others have had working with you.
  6. Targeted Social Media Engagement: Engage with potential buyers and sellers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Join local real estate groups or communities, participate in discussions, and offer valuable insights or advice. By building relationships and establishing yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy realtor, you can attract leads who are seeking expert guidance in their real estate transactions.
  7. Referral Program: Implement a referral program that rewards your existing clients for referring new clients to you. Offer incentives such as discounted services, gift cards, or exclusive access to property listings. Encourage your satisfied clients to spread the word about your services, as referrals from trusted sources can generate high-quality leads.
  8. Open House Events: Host open house events for properties you represent. Promote these events on your website, social media platforms, and real estate listing websites. Create a welcoming atmosphere, provide valuable information to attendees, and collect contact information to follow up with potential buyers or sellers. Open house events can generate leads who are actively searching for properties in your area.
  9. Localized Landing Pages: Create localized landing pages on your website targeting specific neighborhoods or communities. Optimize these pages with relevant keywords and provide in-depth information about the local real estate market, nearby amenities, and featured properties. By catering to the specific interests and needs of potential buyers or sellers in those areas, you can attract leads who are interested in properties within those neighborhoods.
  10. Collaborate with Local Businesses: Form partnerships or collaborations with local businesses related to real estate, such as mortgage brokers, home stagers, or interior designers. Offer mutual referrals and co-marketing opportunities. By leveraging the networks of these businesses, you can tap into a wider pool of potential leads who are interested in various aspects of the real estate process.

Lead Gen for realtors

2.) Social Advertising for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, social advertising can be a highly effective digital marketing strategy to reach potential buyers and sellers, showcase your property listings, and establish your expertise in the real estate market. Here are five examples of how social advertising can help your real estate business:

  1. Property Listings Promotion: Create eye-catching social media ads to showcase your property listings. Use high-quality images and engaging descriptions to attract potential buyers. Target audiences based on location, property type, and other relevant criteria to reach individuals who are actively searching for properties in specific areas or with specific features.
  2. Local Market Updates: Run social media ads that provide valuable insights into the local real estate market. Share data on property trends, median prices, and market conditions. Target homeowners in your area who may be considering selling their property or potential buyers looking to invest in the local market.
  3. First-Time Homebuyer Seminars: Use social media ads to promote first-time homebuyer seminars or webinars. Target young professionals or individuals in your local area who are renting and may be interested in purchasing their first home. Position yourself as an expert in guiding first-time buyers through the home-buying process.
  4. Virtual Property Tours: Create social media ads that offer virtual property tours for your listings. Use 360-degree photos or videos to give potential buyers an immersive experience of the property. Target remote or out-of-town buyers who may not be able to visit the property in person.
  5. Client Testimonials: Develop social media ads featuring testimonials from satisfied clients who have bought or sold properties with your assistance. Target local audiences to build trust and credibility in your services. Positive reviews and success stories from previous clients can encourage potential clients to choose you as their real estate agent.

Social Media Marketing for realtors

3.) Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) for Realtors

Conversion rate optimization is a powerful digital marketing strategy that can significantly benefit your real estate business. By optimizing your website and paid advertising, you can increase lead generation and conversions, ultimately leading to more closed deals. Here are some examples of how CRO can help your real estate business get more conversions:

  1. Eye-Catching Property Images and Videos: Use high-quality images and videos of your listed properties to capture the attention of potential buyers. Visual content can create a strong emotional connection and encourage users to inquire further about the properties.
  2. Clear and Easy-to-Find Contact Information: Ensure that your contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, is prominently displayed on your website. Make it easy for potential clients to reach out to you for property inquiries or to schedule viewings.
  3. Interactive Virtual Tours: Implement interactive virtual tours of properties to provide an immersive experience for online visitors. Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore the property from the comfort of their homes, increasing engagement and interest in the listings.
  4. Personalized Property Search Filters: Create personalized property search filters on your website. Allow users to customize their search based on specific criteria such as location, price range, number of bedrooms, and more. This personalized experience can lead to higher conversion rates for property inquiries.
  5. Client Testimonials and Success Stories: Display testimonials and success stories from satisfied clients who have bought or sold properties through your services. Testimonials can build trust and credibility, encouraging potential clients to choose you as their realtor.
  6. Lead Capture Forms on Property Pages: Place lead capture forms on individual property pages. Interested buyers can fill out the form to request more information or schedule property viewings. This approach helps convert website visitors into leads.
  7. Offering Valuable Content and Resources: Provide valuable content and resources related to the real estate market, such as market reports, neighborhood guides, or home buying tips. Offering valuable information can establish you as an industry expert and attract potential clients.
  8. Live Chat Support: Implement live chat support on your website to assist visitors in real-time. Addressing their questions and concerns promptly can improve customer satisfaction and increase the chances of converting leads into clients.
  9. Localized Landing Pages: Create localized landing pages for specific neighborhoods or regions where you offer real estate services. Tailor the content and listings to cater to the interests of potential buyers in those areas, increasing the chances of inquiries from interested parties.
  10. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Use clear and persuasive CTA buttons throughout your website and paid ads. Examples include "Schedule a Viewing," "Get a Free Property Valuation," or "Contact Me for Expert Real Estate Advice." Well-placed CTAs can encourage visitors to take the desired action.

4.) Sales Funnels for Realtors

As a realtor, leveraging sales funnels in your digital marketing strategy can help you attract potential buyers and sellers, showcase your property listings, and ultimately close more deals. Sales funnels allow you to nurture leads through personalized and targeted content, guiding them towards making informed decisions about buying or selling real estate. Here are 5 examples of how sales funnels can benefit your real estate business:

  1. "Home Buying Guide" Lead Magnet Funnel: Create a comprehensive home buying guide that covers everything a potential buyer needs to know about the process. Promote this guide through social media ads and your website. When interested buyers sign up to download the guide, capture their contact information. Follow up with a series of nurturing emails that provide additional tips, property listings, and personalized recommendations based on their preferences, encouraging them to schedule a consultation with you to explore available properties.
  2. Property Listings Showcase Funnel: Develop a dedicated landing page that showcases your best property listings, complete with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Drive traffic to this page through online ads and email marketing. When potential buyers show interest in a specific property, capture their contact information and arrange a virtual tour or in-person viewing. Follow up with personalized emails, answering any questions they may have and providing additional property options, aiming to move them closer to making an offer.
  3. Seller's Guide & Home Valuation Funnel: Offer a seller's guide that explains the process of selling a home and the services you provide. Provide an option for potential sellers to request a free home valuation on a dedicated landing page. Capture their contact details to initiate the valuation process. After evaluating their property, follow up with a personalized report detailing their home's value and a customized marketing plan to attract potential buyers. Keep in touch with nurturing emails that demonstrate your expertise and showcase successful sales you've achieved.
  4. First-Time Homebuyer Workshop Funnel: Organize a virtual first-time homebuyer workshop, covering essential topics for prospective buyers. Advertise the workshop through social media and email campaigns. When interested participants sign up, capture their contact information. Host the workshop, providing valuable insights and guidance throughout the process. After the event, follow up with personalized emails, offering additional resources, such as mortgage calculators and property listings, and encouraging attendees to schedule a consultation with you to discuss their homebuying journey further.
  5. Neighborhood & Community Insights Funnel: Develop content that highlights various neighborhoods and communities you serve, including nearby amenities, schools, and local attractions. Share this content on your website and social media platforms. When potential buyers show interest in a specific area, use lead magnets to capture their contact information. Follow up with personalized emails, providing more in-depth insights into the neighborhood, available properties, and recent sales data to help them make informed decisions about where to invest in real estate.

Sales Funnels for realtors

5.) Email Marketing for Realtors

As a realtor, email marketing can be a highly effective digital marketing strategy to engage with potential buyers and sellers, nurture leads, and promote your real estate services. It allows you to build and maintain relationships with your audience, showcase properties, and stay top-of-mind with prospects. Here are six examples of how email marketing can benefit your real estate business:

  1. Property Listings: Use email marketing to send out regular updates on new property listings to your subscribers. Include high-quality images, detailed property descriptions, and calls-to-action to encourage interested buyers to schedule viewings or inquire further.
  2. Virtual Tours and Videos: Utilize email marketing to share virtual tours or videos of properties. Virtual tours offer an immersive experience to potential buyers, allowing them to explore the property from the comfort of their homes.
  3. Market Reports: Send out market reports via email to showcase your expertise and provide valuable insights on real estate trends, market conditions, and property values. This positions you as a knowledgeable and trusted real estate advisor.
  4. Client Testimonials: Share client testimonials and success stories in your emails. Testimonials from satisfied clients can build trust and credibility, encouraging potential buyers and sellers to choose your services.
  5. Open House Invitations: Use email marketing to invite prospects to open houses. Provide details about the event, the property's features, and any special incentives to attend. Follow up with attendees afterward to gauge interest and answer questions.
  6. Home Buying and Selling Tips: Create email campaigns that provide valuable tips and advice for home buyers and sellers. Topics can include financing options, preparing a home for sale, negotiating strategies, and more. Offering helpful information positions you as a helpful resource and can lead to increased engagement.

Email Marketing for realtors

6.) Search Advertising for Real Estate Agents

Are you a real estate agent looking to attract more potential buyers and sellers to your listings and services? Search advertising is a powerful digital marketing strategy that can help you reach your target audience, increase your online visibility, and generate quality leads for your real estate business. By running search ads, you can connect with individuals actively searching for properties, real estate agents, or related services in your area. Here are five examples of how search advertising can benefit your real estate business:

  1. Local Home Listings: Create search ads with keywords like "homes for sale in [your city]" or "real estate agents near me." This strategy allows you to target individuals looking for available properties in your area. Showcase your expertise in local real estate and highlight your listings in your ad text to attract potential buyers.
  2. Real Estate Agent Services: Run search ads targeting keywords like "real estate agent services" or "find a realtor." This strategy helps you connect with individuals seeking professional assistance with buying or selling properties. Emphasize your experience, certifications, and success stories in your ad content to position yourself as a trustworthy agent.
  3. First-Time Homebuyers: Advertise your services specifically for first-time homebuyers. Use keywords like "first-time homebuyer agent" or "help with buying your first home." This strategy targets individuals who are new to the home buying process and need guidance. Showcase your expertise in assisting first-time buyers and the benefits they can gain from working with you in your ad messaging.
  4. Real Estate Investment: Create search ads with keywords like "real estate investment opportunities" or "investment properties." This strategy targets individuals interested in real estate investment opportunities. Highlight your knowledge of the local market, expertise in investment properties, and potential returns on investment in your ad copy.
  5. Property Management Services: Run search ads targeting keywords like "property management company" or "rental property management." This strategy allows you to connect with property owners seeking professional management services. Showcase your experience in property management, the range of services you offer, and the benefits of choosing your firm in your ad content.

Search Engine Advertising for realtors

7.) Content Marketing for Realtors

As a realtor, content marketing can be a powerful digital marketing strategy to showcase your expertise in the real estate market and attract potential clients looking to buy or sell properties. By producing valuable and informative content, you can establish yourself as a trusted resource and build credibility with your target audience. Here are five examples of how content marketing can benefit your real estate business:

  1. Neighborhood Guides: Create comprehensive guides for different neighborhoods in your area. Include information on local amenities, schools, transportation options, and nearby attractions. These guides will help potential buyers gain insights into the neighborhood and demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market.
  2. Home Buying Tips: Produce blog posts or videos that offer valuable tips for home buyers. Cover topics such as the home buying process, negotiating offers, and understanding mortgage options. Providing informative content helps first-time buyers feel more confident in their decisions and positions you as a knowledgeable and reliable realtor.
  3. Home Selling Strategies: Share advice on preparing homes for sale, staging tips, and effective marketing techniques. By offering guidance on how to present properties in the best light, you show potential sellers that you can help them get the most out of their property and attract more interested buyers.
  4. Market Updates: Regularly publish content that provides insights into the current real estate market trends, such as housing inventory, average home prices, and market forecasts. Offering up-to-date information shows that you stay informed about the market, and it positions you as a reliable source for real estate advice.
  5. Virtual Property Tours: Create virtual tours of properties you represent, showcasing each home's unique features and selling points. Virtual tours allow potential buyers to explore properties from the comfort of their homes and make them more likely to inquire about specific listings.

Content Marketing for realtors

8.) Reputation Management for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, reputation management is a critical component of your digital marketing strategy. Maintaining a positive online reputation can help you build trust with potential clients and differentiate yourself in a competitive market. Here are five examples of how reputation management can benefit your real estate business:

  1. Showcase Client Testimonials: Use your website and social media platforms to showcase positive testimonials from satisfied clients. Sharing real-life experiences of clients who were pleased with your services can build credibility and attract new clients who are seeking a trustworthy and reliable agent.
  2. Respond to Online Reviews: Monitor and respond promptly to online reviews on platforms like Google My Business and Yelp. Thank clients for their positive feedback and address any concerns raised in negative reviews. Demonstrating responsiveness and a commitment to client satisfaction can improve your online reputation and attract more business.
  3. Create Informative Content: Produce informative and valuable content related to real estate, such as blog posts, guides, and videos. By positioning yourself as an expert in the field, you can attract potential clients who are seeking reliable information and guidance for their real estate needs.
  4. Engage with Your Community: Engage with your local community through social media, events, and community initiatives. Active participation in community activities can enhance your reputation as a trusted and involved real estate professional, fostering stronger connections with potential clients.
  5. Share Success Stories: Share success stories of your past real estate transactions, particularly those that were challenging but resulted in positive outcomes. Highlighting your ability to navigate complex deals successfully can instill confidence in potential clients and set you apart from other agents.

Reputation Management for realtors

9.) Video Marketing for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, video marketing can be a powerful digital strategy to attract potential buyers and sellers, showcase properties, and build trust with your audience. Video content allows you to provide immersive experiences, highlight unique selling points, and establish yourself as a reliable expert in the real estate market. Here are five examples of how video marketing can help your real estate business:

  1. Virtual Property Tours: Create high-quality video tours of properties you are selling. Take your audience on a virtual walkthrough of the house, showcasing each room, the exterior, and any special features. Virtual tours help potential buyers get a better sense of the property's layout and features, increasing the chances of them making inquiries or scheduling in-person viewings.
  2. Neighborhood Highlights: Produce videos that showcase the neighborhood where the property is located. Highlight nearby amenities such as schools, parks, shopping centers, and restaurants. Demonstrating the advantages of living in a particular area can attract buyers who are looking for their ideal neighborhood.
  3. Client Testimonials: Film video testimonials from satisfied clients who have bought or sold properties with your assistance. Testimonials build trust and credibility, showing potential clients that you have a track record of successful real estate transactions and excellent customer service.
  4. Market Updates and Insights: Share regular video updates on the real estate market, including trends, statistics, and insights. Providing valuable market information positions you as an informed and reliable real estate expert, encouraging viewers to turn to you for their real estate needs.
  5. Personal Branding Videos: Create videos that introduce yourself and your team to potential clients. Share your background, expertise, and passion for real estate. Personal branding videos help create a connection with your audience and can turn prospects into loyal clients.

Video Marketing for realtors

Why Choose WebCitz for Your Real Estate Company Online Advertising

Our team is eager to become your website marketing partner! There are several things to keep in mind when exploring website advertising firms that cater to real estate companies. Our 20 years of experience provide the assurance that the digital marketing tactics and plans we recommend for your real estate company can be trusted. These are frequently the very internet advertising techniques that we utilize for our own lead generation and conversion rate optimization plans. Chances are, you found our website through our successful website marketing efforts.

Most importantly though, you should choose our website advertising firm because you feel confident we are the right team for your real estate company. Here are a few reasons we suggest considering our digital marketers for your real estate company:

  • With over 20 years of experience, we have been operating our business since 2004.
  • The major way we get leads from realtors is through our own internet marketing strategies.
  • It's possible that you discovered our website by looking for a service we provide, such as "best realtor digital marketers."
  • We do not outsource real estate company website advertising services since we have our own marketing team.
  • Our team members are readily available during business hours and will likely answer your call within a few rings.
  • We have extensive experience in WordPress and Shopify for any internet marketing strategies that involve website edits.

When it comes time for your real estate company to start the search for a leading website marketing company, we hope you keep our internet marketers in mind for the task. Should you require any additional information or wish to chat with our helpful staff at the digital marketing company, please don't hesitate to reach out via email or phone.

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