50 Best Email Marketing Campaigns

Welcome to our list of the top 50 email marketing campaigns! Get ready for some serious email marketing inspiration!

Going into this, our goal was to compile a list of the top 50 email marketing campaigns that not only boast visually stunning designs, but also provide valuable and engaging content that drives conversions. From sleek and modern layouts to interactive features, these emails effectively communicate their message and encourage the reader to take action. Whether you’re a business looking to improve your email marketing strategy or just curious about what’s out there, these campaigns are sure to impress and provide valuable insights.

We hope these examples will inspire and inform your own email marketing efforts.

1. A&E

The A&E email marketing campaign keeps things simple by making use of solid colors and bold fonts. It has a deep red background and also makes use of a large image, along with the A&E logo at the top. In addition, white is used for text which makes it easily readable.  

Below the main image, there are a few links in white that visitors can use to navigate to different sections of the website. Additionally, this design showcases some of the other offerings in the form of well-organized images, helping engage the customers’ attention.

2. Ace Hardware

2. Ace Hardware 

The campaign for the hardware retailers’ cooperative Ace Hardware is another outstanding one that uses both text and image to great effect. It has an overall white color scheme, which is combined with red buttons that appear at the bottom of each product. 

Also, there are lots of images of the products, each displayed in its own box. This serves the dual purpose of helping create a clean, well-organized design while showcasing what the brand has to offer. The benefits of shopping from the brand are mentioned at the bottom.

3. Adidas

Adidas, one of the most popular modern lifestyle brands, has a suitably modern campaign but does not overcomplicate things. It uses a few images and has a black and white color scheme, which is simple yet effective. And the benefits of creating an account are also mentioned here. 

In the center, there is a large yellow band with black text that instantly informs customers about the discounts. The code is also mentioned here in a white box, which customers can easily copy and redeem at the online store using the black button.

How to Boost Your Website Conversions

4. Allbirds

Focusing on a minimalistic style, the email marketing campaign for Allbirds has an attractive visual design without depending too much on images. The overall white color scheme with black text and iconography and a single black button helps prevent any confusion.

Color is added using a single greenish-blue box that displays one of the best-selling products from the brand, while all text is limited to a single section below it. And underneath the ‘Shop Now’ button, different product categories are mentioned along with the advantages of shopping from the brand.

5. Anker

Best known for its range of charging devices, Anker is another company with a modern email marketing campaign. It has a white base with images at the top and bottom, while the main text of the message appears right in the center.

To catch customers’ attention, there is a blue box that lists some of the achievements of the brand. This is complemented by the buttons, which appear in the same color, while the social media links of the brand are present at the bottom for quick and easy access.

6. AutoZone

The email marketing campaign for AutoZone utilizes several colors, which include white, gray, red, orange, and black. This makes it quite a bright and vivid template which is important for attracting and retaining attention. Information is provided using black text, which stands out from the white background. 

The AutoZone logo is on the top left, while the center has a large orange button that customers can click on to join the mailing list. This template also mentions the advantages of becoming a member and the ways members can earn rewards, while social media links are present at the bottom.

7. Bad Birdie

Bad Birdie is a brand that has designed its email marketing campaign to convey instantly to customers what it has to offer. At the top is a solid black bar with the brand name in stylized white text, while other text appears in black. Text pieces are few but provide adequate information to the customers.

Each product category is accompanied by an image, which works well against the white background. And at the bottom, there is a black box with links to the website as well as to the community page of the brand.

8. Banana Republic

This digital marketing campaign may be one of the most effective ones, and the reason is its design. It starts off with an image of a traveler, underneath which appears a light gray box that contains text in black. This is followed by another image that showcases some of the offerings from the brand. 

What this campaign does differently is that it does not provide too much information to the customers at the start, which might overwhelm them. There are just three options at the top, while the ‘Shop Now’ button appears over the images and social media links are at the bottom.

9. Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works uses a colorful template for its email marketing campaign. It mentions the name of the company at the top in blue, underneath which is another text in pink welcoming customers to the business. Then, there are several products from the company underneath which the benefits for customers are mentioned. 

There is also a blue button in the center encouraging customers to shop and additional product images, each with a ‘Shop Now’ button. This segmentation keeps things properly organized while also ensuring that customers find it entertaining.

10. Blue Tees

The email marketing campaign for Blue Tees uses an impactful design with a dark theme composed primarily of black. All the text is in white, with the logo in a stylized font at the top. The entire design is composed of alternating sections of images and text, creating excitement and providing information. 

In the lower section, the brand has listed some of the other products that it offers, along with their images and shopping buttons customers can use to buy them. And the bottom has a white panel that mentions the advantages of shopping from the brand’s website.

11. Bose

Bose has done an excellent job with its email marketing campaign, focusing on an appealing design that uses a single image and a unique color palette. Apart from the logo at the top right, there is a light blue background with darker blue, pink, and red stripes in sections, which adds vibrancy to the design. 

This is followed by a white section that contains black text which welcomes the customers and a black button that takes you to the website. At the bottom, there is a black section that helps convince customers why they should shop from the brand.

12. Brewers

The email marketing message for Brewers is a busy one, with lots of images and text to provide customers with all the important information. It primarily uses the colors yellow and blue, while the background has a light peach color. White is also used for text, and images are arranged in a neat, systematic manner, making it easy to understand the message.

The yellow and dark blue colors contrast nicely, creating an attractive and attention-grabbing template. And the company has put its social media links at the bottom for customers to visit the respective pages easily.

13. Bushnell

Bushnell has a well-designed, informative email marketing campaign with an image at the top, followed by the main body of text. This text appears in black on a white background and is easy to read. Also, this design includes logos of all of its brands from which customers can shop. 

There are also a few buttons in gray, which can take customers to the website for shopping or checking out informational articles. The design is simple but very effective and does not overwhelm the user with too much information. Finally, links to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter appear at the bottom.

14. Callaway

The email marketing campaign for Callaway uses three colors that complement each other and make for an attractive yet sophisticated design. The top has a black banner with links to various website pages, while certain sections and buttons appear in blue on the white base, helping them stand out.

There are also a few images selected and placed strategically, which showcase some of the best offerings from the golfing company. And the lower section stands out by combining both text and icons to convince customers to shop from the brand. These simple icons with small text pieces provide adequate information without cluttering up the space. 

15. Carhartt

To persuade customers, Carhartt mainly focuses on using images in its email marketing campaign. The white base is divided into sections using images, which also help add color to the design. Some images have been used to show the latest offerings from the company. 

As for the buttons, these appear in yellow, contrasting nicely against the dark black or gray sections on which they are placed. And at the bottom, there is a gray section that mentions the various product categories, followed by social media links which again appear in yellow on a black banner.

16. Chewy

Chewy has an exciting email campaign that lists a variety of products offered by the brand along with the promotional code right in front. Several colors have been used in this case, including blue, red, and white, to grab the customers’ attention. It also uses images of pets that can help convince pet owners to choose the brand over others. 

What makes this message so effective is that there is a yellow box that customers can click on, which will take them to the product page instantly. This can result in faster and more sales, especially since customers are already provided the promo code.

17. Chubbies

The email marketing campaign for Chubbies has a fresh, summer vibe to it, thanks to the fantastic color selection. Apart from the blue logo at the top, there is a large blue banner on which some yellow text is present. The company also uses lots of images with black text, which stands out well against the bright blue and yellow colors.

And to make it easier to shop from the website, images have a ‘Shop Now’ button below them. At the bottom, there is a blue box that provides information regarding the product categories and the rewards of shopping from the store. 

18. Converse

Instead of overwhelming customers with too much textual information, Converse relies on the efficient use of images for its email marketing campaign. The main body of the message is divided into various sections with images showcasing the products. 

At the top are the various links to different website pages, making it easy for customers to visit them directly from the message. Similarly, there are black buttons between the images that allow customers to visit the website for shopping purposes. Customers can also visit the social media pages by using the links at the bottom.

19. Crocs

Crocs utilizes a single image for its email campaign with limited text that sends a powerful and compelling message without overdoing it. The color scheme uses different shades of blue, which are selected so as to complement the image, and works wonderfully well. Blue is also used for the banner at the top where free shipping is mentioned.

Similarly, the logo of the brand and the large welcome message both use blue, which works nicely against the gray background. The image also does a fine job of showcasing one of the products from the brand and persuading customers.

20. Dicks Sporting Goods

The email marketing message of Dick’s Sporting Goods starts off by welcoming customers to the brand using large text. This appears just below the brand logo, which is on the top left in dark green, and below a large image of cheering sports fans.  

In the center, there is a box that aims to convince customers to become a member, followed by images of some of the products available. There is also a large red banner with the words, ‘Best Price Guarantee,’ which can be very effective in convincing customers to sign up and shop from the website.

21. Field & Stream

Using multiple images and text pieces, the email marketing campaign for Field & Stream works incredibly well for communicating with customers. The main color scheme uses black, gray, and orange, with the logo in an orange block at the top. Links to various website sections are placed in a gray panel. 

Text such as the discount amount appears in a large orange font, while the promo code appears in a light blue color, making it easy to spot. The white and orange text pieces on the gray sections work very well to attract attention while also providing information clearly.

22. Fjallraven

Fjallraven has one of the most impressive designs for an email marketing campaign. Apart from the red logo at the top, the rest of the template has a white background with vertically arranged images. There are three links in black that can take customers to the respective pages on the website and black buttons between the various images. 

For providing information, each button is preceded by a section of text which appears in black. These text pieces communicate with the customers, letting them know about the brand values and providing the promo code that can be used to get discounts and offers.

23. FX

The FX email marketing template has a sophisticated design, with a simple color scheme of black and white that enhances its stately appeal. There is a large image at the top, followed by multiple smaller ones. Since all the text is white, variation is created by keeping the headings and subheadings in bold. 

This simple design, minimalist color scheme, and the selected images all come together to make this an effective marketing message. Interested customers can visit the website to learn more or check out the offerings that the brand is currently providing.

Quick Wins for Your Campaigns

24. Gamestop

The Gamestop email campaign does a fantastic job of showcasing what the brand has to offer while encouraging customers to shop and save more. There is a list of games right in front with a colorful and attractive background at the top that uses a blue color scheme.

Most images displayed are accompanied by buttons that allow customers to either purchase or pre-order games from the website. There are also some images of accessories that can be purchased, and links are provided at the bottom to allow customers to download the smartphone app

25. Golf Galaxy

Golf Galaxy uses a minimalistic design for its email marketing campaign, with an image at the top and a text message at the bottom. Customers are welcomed using a large, yellow message on top of a blue banner, which also mentions the promo code in white text. 

The lower half has a light gray box that contains information about why customers should select the brand over others. There is also a blue panel with bold, white text, which lets customers know that they are getting the lowest price on the market, followed by social media links.

26. Grove

For its email marketing campaign, Grove uses bright and vivid colors that provide a fresh, lively appearance and also work well with the images of the brand offerings. The main colors used include orange, blue, and green, while white serves as the base.

Buttons appear in blue, and a separate green section highlights the brand’s sustainable approach. There is also a section that provides customer reviews, making this a unique and very effective design. Lastly, at the bottom, there is a blue bar that contains links to the various social media pages of the brand.

27. Hydroflask

The email marketing template for Hydro Flask does things a little differently than most others by focusing on the use of solid colors. At the top, there is a black banner with white text, which also contains the logo and links to different website pages, while the main body has a blue base. 

This section contains the main body of text, which includes the promo code and the welcome message. The code is in bold, which makes it easy for customers to see and copy. Also, there is a black button in the center, which customers can click on to visit the brand’s website.

28. Kohls

Kohl’s email campaign uses bold text and colors to draw attention and convince prospective customers. The main colors used in this template include red, black, and white, each serving a specific purpose. While white is used for the background, red is used at the top, and buttons appear in black.

The rest of the template utilizes images showcasing the best offerings, and available discounts are also mentioned in large black font. One section has been set aside with a green border to draw attention and contains the barcode as well as more information about the discounts.

29. KUIU

For a company that designs outdoor equipment, KUIU utilizes images of the great outdoors for its email campaign to good effect. The entire template is divided into various sections, comprising well-selected images. Some of these images display the products that customers can purchase from the website.

Other images are present in the lower half of the section, and each of these has an accompanying body of text. The bottom has a black section that mentions the product categories and social media links in white text, making it convenient for customers to visit the respective pages.

30. Lacoste

Lacoste has implemented a simple yet effective setup for its email marketing campaign that limits the use of text in favor of images. The entire email marketing template uses images placed one after another vertically, with each image representing a product category. 

All the categories are mentioned in black text below the images, while the main body of the text is present at the bottom below the social media links. With this design, Lacoste has set an example of how to keep things simple without using lots of colors, images, and text yet remaining effective.

31. Lego

The email marketing template Lego has designed uses different shades of blue for its top and bottom sections. In the middle, there is black text divided by pink headings that let customers know how to earn and use rewards. There is also a white login button in the blue box allowing members to sign in.  

All text present within the blue boxes appears in white, making it easy to read, and the lower blue section also has a white box letting customers sign up. Important links are present at the bottom in black, just below links to the social media pages.

32. Lululemon

The email marketing message for Lululemon shows that the placement of images is as important as the images themselves. At the top, there is a single image of athletes, while other images are arranged diagonally to one another. These images represent different product categories and are accompanied by textual information, which fills the gap between them. 

This design also makes it easy for customers to shop from the website as there is a ‘Shop Now’ button underneath the text. Additional product categories are mentioned in white boxes in the lower section, and simple icons are used to make the design even more aesthetically pleasing.

33. Marmot

Marmot maintains a solid balance of text and images for its marketing message, using both in just the right quantity so as not to overwhelm the customer. Benefits like ‘Free Shipping’ and ‘Returns’ are mentioned right at the top in a bright blue bar, while images are used in the main body.

Some of the offerings are displayed in the lower section and are followed by simple white and black icons. These icons have black text which informs customers about various sections, such as the rewards, sales, and product categories, while buttons appear in purple, attracting attention instantly.

34. Nalgene

Both blue and green colors are often associated with freshness and cleanliness, which is why the water bottle brand Nalgene uses them for its marketing purposes. This is possible since the product itself uses these colors and is displayed on the template.

While the logo appears at the top, a dark blue banner is present below it, followed by a light gray section. Customers can also make donations or support the brand, for which bright green buttons are provided in the top and bottom sections, which are separated using the blue color.

35. Nautica

The email marketing template for Nautica is the perfect example of how to use many different design elements without making it feel cluttered. This template has the brand logo at the top, followed by the links to various website pages, while the discount offered is mentioned in bold above the image.

This large image occupies the center of the template and has a button that customers can click on to avail of the discount while shopping. As for the bottom, this has a gray base with white text, icons, and important links like customer service and account creation.

36. Newegg

Instead of relying solely on text and buttons, Newegg aims to convince customers by displaying some of its best-selling products in its email marketing campaign. The entire message is segmented, with each segment displaying a single offering along with its price and promo code.

Also, the main color scheme of orange and blue makes it fun and exciting. Providing the code along with the shopping links makes it easy for customers to take advantage of discounts and offers. And the text is present at the bottom in a dark blue box which also contains links for downloading the app.

37. Office Depot

Office Depot specializes in selling stationery products and showcases some of them in its email campaign. It uses red text and yellow borders that immediately catch customers’ attention and help keep the design neatly organized. Blue is mainly used for buttons that customers can use for shopping purposes. 

While discounts are mentioned in bigger red fonts, other text appears in black, as do the links to various product categories, which are placed at the bottom. The bottom also has links to the social media pages of the brand for quick and easy access.

38. Olive Garden

The email marketing campaign for Olive Garden keeps things simple without sacrificing any element of attractiveness. Below the brand logo at the top, there is an image of the dishes which customers can order. This is followed by another image displaying the smartphone app and the link to download it. 

For buttons, the olive green color is used, which provides a sense of freshness to the design. As for the text, this appears at the bottom in a separate white panel. Both icons and links are also present here, so all the information that is required is easily available in one section.

39. Public Goods

Public Goods has one of the cleanest designs ever used for an email marketing campaign. The gray background provides a sophisticated appearance, while the black text is easy to read. This template divides the image and text sections vertically, with images appearing on the left and text on the right with bold headings. 

Some of the products are also displayed at the top and are accompanied by textual information which explains their usage. And to create contrast, there is a large black banner at the bottom with social media and other links in white.

40. Puma

The email marketing campaign for the Puma brand is an exciting one, using multiple images to send an impactful message. Each image has a white button allowing customers to go directly to a different product page on the website.  

Apart from that, a few lines of text appear at the top in white, welcoming customers to the brand and providing them with the promo code for discounts. For customers who may not be able to view the message, there is a gray section at the bottom that contains some text to help them out.

41. Ruggable

Ruggable has shown how to create the perfect email marketing message without a lot of frills. It uses a simple color scheme using just three colors, which is easy on the eyes and looks good. This is because the blue base works well with the cream and white sections on which text is present in black. 

There are two white sections, and each section displays different products which customers can check out. These also have yellow buttons that customers can click on to purchase products from the website or use social media links at the bottom to visit those pages.

42. Salt Life

With its vivid colors and attractive design, the Salt Life email template works well for attracting and convincing customers. The brand logo appears in white at the top on a black banner, where there is also a link for customers to sign in. Below are additional links to various website sections that can take customers directly to them.

The rest of the template consists of images, some of which are product images with blue ‘Shop Now’ buttons for easy purchases. Additional information regarding the rewards and advantages of shopping from the brand is provided in the black bottom section.

43. Speck

Speck has designed its marketing campaign to showcase directly what the brand is about. It has a white, gray, and blue color scheme and utilizes images in a well-organized manner to attract and retain customers’ attention. There is also a large image at the top and multiple smaller product images throughout the template. 

These images have blue buttons underneath them allowing customers to visit the website directly. The same color is used for important links and the promo code, which appears at the top, while social media links are present as blue icons at the bottom.

44. Stumptown Coffee

For its email campaign, Stumptown Coffee has used a neutral gray color for the background and black for the text. The brand logo appears at the top in black as well, underneath which there is a black band containing the promo code in white which commands attention instantly. 

There is also a large image in the center of coffee being poured into a mug, along with a welcome message. The rest of the template has large banners that inform customers about the offline and online locations of the coffee brand while important links are present at the bottom.

45. Sweetgreen

Keeping things simple, Sweetgreen has designed its email marketing message to convey to customers the importance of eating healthy. It uses a single image of naturally healthy foods, which adds color to the cream-colored background. 

The main body of the message is composed of text which is present below the image and informs customers about why they should choose the brand. This text appears in a dark green color, which is clearly visible and also more interesting than regular black text. Links to the menu, social media pages, and the smartphone app are also provided in this message.

46. Target

Showcasing the products available to prospective customers is a tried and tested approach for many brands, such as Target. The major portion of its email message is divided into multiple segments, each with a separate product category, with multiple shades of red and blue helping distinguish each segment. 

There are also dividing panels that run between the product segments and display the discount offered on different product categories. This helps keep things neatly organized and clutter-free while also providing customers with the information they need in an efficient manner.

47. Tommy Hilfiger

The email campaign for Tommy Hilfiger uses bold colors and a unique arrangement of text and images to convince customers to shop from the website. In this case, the main colors used are red, blue, and peach. The brand logo appears at the top, underneath a welcome message, followed by the images and text pieces.

To draw attention, all headings are in red text, and these text pieces are placed next to corresponding images. Different shades of blue are also used and complement the white and red colors used for the background and the headings, respectively.

48. Vineyard Vines

With its blue and white color scheme, the email marketing campaign for Vineyard Vines is among the most pleasing ones. The background is white, while all text appears in blue, including the links and the promotional messages. An adequate number of images are also used, which get the message across without overwhelming the customer. 

Light blue is used for headings and subheadings, which helps differentiate them from the darker blue used for buttons and important links. Also, images have text sections below them, which use black text to communicate with the customers.

49. Yamaha

Yamaha uses its email marketing campaign to introduce new products to customers, which is one of the most innovative ideas in the industry. It uses both text and images for the purpose and has an overall black color scheme with white text. 

In between the text and the next image, bright red buttons are present, which customers can use to learn more about the products or share information. The lower section also contains links to other products, offers, and even for booking a test ride, making this an attractive and practical design.

50. Yeti

For its email campaign, Yeti has gone with a white background along with multiple images, some of which showcase the products available. Text appears in plain black color, with large headings, and there are white buttons that can take customers to the website. 

Bolder, larger fonts are used for headings and work well to direct customers to important segments. And at the bottom, links to products and social media pages are present. This minimalist approach helps provide customers with the information they need and also does a fantastic job of convincing them to shop from the brand.

How Can I Build an Email List?

You can build an email list by offering valuable content, such as e-books or webinars, in exchange for subscribers’ email addresses. Utilizing sign-up forms on your website or social media can also help grow your list.

How Can I Measure Email Campaign Success?

You can measure success through metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Analyzing these metrics helps you refine your email marketing strategy.

Can I Personalize Emails for Each Subscriber?

Yes, you can personalize emails by including recipient’s names, tailoring content based on their preferences, and even sending product recommendations based on their past interactions.

Is Mobile Optimization Important for Email Campaigns?

Yes, mobile optimization is crucial as a significant portion of emails are opened on mobile devices. Ensuring emails are responsive and easy to read on smartphones improves user experience.

What is the Optimal Time to Send Emails?

The optimal time to send emails can vary based on your audience’s preferences and time zones. Testing different send times and analyzing open rates can help determine the best timing for your emails.

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