50 Best Plastic Surgery Websites

Greetings, plastic surgeons! Are you seeking to boost your online presence and attract more patients? Look no further, as we bring you a guide to the top 50 plastic surgery websites.

Our team of expert web designers has scoured the web to find and evaluate the best plastic surgery sites based on design, functionality, uniqueness, and user experience. From sleek and professional designs to effortless navigation, these sites represent the epitome of online excellence in the plastic surgery world.

Not only will you find inspiration for your own website, but you’ll also learn valuable tips on how to make your online presence stand out.

Get ready to give your plastic surgery practice a lift with the help of this guide! You’ll find website examples of plastic surgery clinics, dermatology clinics, hair transplant clinics, and non-surgical cosmetic treatment providers in this list! For examples within other industries, head back to our inspirational website examples blog article!

Top Plastic Surgeon Website Designs

1. Care Plastic Surgery

This is a nice and clean website that welcomes visitors by stating what the business has to offer. The color scheme of purple, gray, and white makes the site look more professional. As the contact information of the business is always visible at the top, visitors won’t need to waste time hunting around for it. 

Also, the bottom of the page is quite well-designed as it has every information a potential client may require, including the social media handles of the business. The “Request Consultation” opinion is placed right under the logo, so you can’t miss it and visitors will be able to fill it in a couple of minutes.

2. Willow MedSpa

As soon as you visit this website, your attention is directed toward the video that provides a glimpse of the business. This webpage has a classic, no-fuss design, and uses a soothing white-beige color palette for a professional look. Moreover, the menu makes navigating the site seamless for a visitor as it’s laid out instead of being hidden. 

While scrolling down the homepage, the “Our Team” section stands out due to the high-quality images used for the individual profiles. And right before the footer, the contact number for the business along with a “Book Now” button will grab your attention.

3. Shafer Clinic

Right off the bat, the use of crisp and high-quality images to highlight different sections of the website is a masterstroke. Visitors are greeted with smiling faces, which is always comforting, especially when it comes to medical facilities. Moreover, the accreditations of the business are mentioned right below the first image, which is a foolproof way of building trust. 

Another highlight of this site is the reviews section, as a potential client can easily read through them before booking an appointment. All on-page elements are tied together with an almost monochromatic theme with the colors black, white, and gray, providing a comfortable user experience.

Grow Your Business While You Sleep

4. LaserAway

This website is quite refreshing as it’s different from any other layouts you may have seen. The visitors are greeted with a quiz that lets them get more information about the desired service. 

Rather than having large blocks of text, the content is presented simply in the form of bullet points. One of the most important sections has to be the integrated image-based reviews from clients, which add authenticity. 

Moreover, the design of this site, especially the use of pastel pink to highlight important things, matches the taste of the young target audience. The use of graphics is also a nice touch and makes the webpage more aesthetic.

Related: Launch an internet marketing plan to implement lead generation, social media marketing, conversion funnels, and online reputation management for your plastic surgery center.

5. Beautifix MedSpa

What makes this website different from competitor pages is the bright design. A visitor is immediately presented with a beautiful image of a celebrity client, followed by the services and treatments provided by the business. Even though the font is simple, the use of bright colors helps to highlight the important things without fail.

Furthermore, the Instagram-integrated celebrity client review section will readily generate more clicks from visitors and add more credibility to the business. The video testimonials work well and also offer a sneak peek of the business’ Instagram feed.

6. Sieber Plastic Surgery

When it comes to aesthetics, this website nails it with the use of somber colors and attractive pictures. The tiny animated arrow on the homepage helps a visitor scroll down and view what the business has to offer. 

Moreover, the cards used for the “before and after galleries” make navigating through the desired service much easier. The footer is also practical as it highlights the user rating of the business and the contact information for booking a consultation.

7. Cure Daily

Along with the well-designed logo, what attracts visitors to this website is the large heading – “Welcome to Cure.” On scrolling, you’re able to get a sneak peek into the business facility, which provides a personalized feel. The highlight of this webpage is the use of texts in bold fonts, which are often accompanied by attractive pictures. 

Additionally, the black and white color palette works well for the site, especially to create a sense of calm, which is in tune with the services offered by the business. You will even like the well-designed press section as clicking on the name of a publication takes a visitor to articles discussing this facility.

8. Dream Medical Group

One of the best things about this website is its clean design that matches the professional aspect of the business. The on-page content is pretty straightforward as it lays down the services provided along with the results a client can expect. 

Another noteworthy section is that which introduces the head surgeon of the institution, highlighting his key achievements and accreditations to build trust with visitors. The other pages of the webpage are also simple so that the information regarding the various procedures is easy to understand for clients.

9. Cosmetic Surgical Center

This is another simple site with a classic design that doesn’t beat about the bush and provides relevant information. The homepage has everything you’ll need to navigate the site and know about the business. However, one element that stands out is the “Face Procedures” section that makes it easy for visitors to learn about the procedures on offer. 

The design aspect of using the color blue as a highlight works quite well, especially as it helps the buttons stand out on the white background. And the presence of in-depth patient testimonials is a great idea to enhance the brand value and create a large client base.

10. Roy Kim, MD

A noticeable difference is the presence of social media links on the header, as this website represents a surgeon rather than a business. Instead of using an overwhelming number of elements, the on-site design focuses on simple components like line art and graphics. 

Furthermore, the contrasting color palette of dark blue, white, and red makes the pages more visually appealing, an essential aspect of attracting the right audience for Dr. Kim. The “Procedures” section of the homepage is particularly useful as it links to the various services provided by Dr. Kim, making navigating the site easier for visitors.

11. Carmony Oral, Facial & Implant Center

This site has a pretty clean design that isn’t information-heavy, and you won’t need to scroll for too long or read chunks of texts. Instead, the information is divided into nifty and easy-to-understand paragraphs that are more helpful. 

The dark gray and cream colors look quite professional but the main highlight is the three options placed below the first image. These help visitors navigate to important elements like directions to the business facility, online registration, and complementary consultation. 

Moreover, the “send us a message” section is integrated into the homepage, so clients won’t need to search for it.

12. Elite Plastic Surgery

The Elite Plastic Surgery website has been built around black (which is the dominant color) with contrasting white and gray texts. The first two images used on the homepage grab the immediate attention of the visitor, compelling them to scroll further. Moreover, the gallery of before and after pictures has been integrated into the homepage giving a view of what prospective clients can expect after surgery. 

Even though the full menu is hidden at first, clicking on it opens all the tabs displayed in a unique format which gives it the edge over other sites. These tabs help distribute the various sections, and nothing looks cluttered, thanks to the black-on-white color scheme.

6 Key Focus Points for Website Success

13. Kansas Plastic Surgery

This is the perfect example of how a website is built around the motto of a business. On visiting the site, a prospective client is greeted with a video portraying a happy client in consultation with a doctor. 

It’s followed by a welcome message from the lead doctor letting visitors know about his work procedure. The theme of care and compassion is present throughout the webpage, and specific sections are dedicated to it. 

Besides, the choice of a blue and green colorway gives the site a professional feel. Another effective section is “Our Services” on the homepage, which provides visitors with a quick view of the procedures performed by Dr. Schoonover.

14. Union Square Facial Plastic Surgery

This website has a straight-to-the-point design where visitors aren’t overwhelmed with too much information in the beginning. What’s striking is the use of simple animations that manages to catch the attention of most visitors immediately. 

Furthermore, the site does an excellent job of highlighting the vital aspects of the business by featuring the procedures and services for out-of-town patients on the homepage. Equal attention has been paid to designing the other pages as all the information is properly arranged for easy understanding.

15. New York Group for Plastic Surgery

The New York Group For Plastic Surgery site revolves around high-quality and attractive pictures that will generate more interest from the visitors. On visiting the webpage, you’ll be greeted with a picture of the plastic surgeons and their accreditations which is quite helpful. 

By scrolling down, you get to learn about the procedures offered by the business along with the reasons that make its surgeons the best. The elaborate contact information at the end of the homepage is an excellent addition as it helps visitors learn about financial options and additional programs.

16. Wave Plastic Surgery

What’s interesting about the Wave Plastic Surgery website is the choice of color palette, which reminds you of summer and youth. The easy-to-navigate menu is ideal for helping a client quickly get to any relevant page as per their requirement. This site also uses a white background to achieve a seamless and clean look. 

Furthermore, the “Surgical Procedures” and “Non-Surgical Procedures” sections on the homepage are especially eye-catching due to the use of images with pastel backgrounds. And potential clients can learn about the procedure by hovering over an image, which is an excellent way to minimize text blocks on the homepage.

17. Visage Surgical Institute

Black and gold is a color combination that seldom fails to grab the attention of people, and this site uses it in the best possible way. While most of the homepage background has been kept black, there are highlights in gold to draw focus toward important sections. A blend of vintage and elite themes is used in this web page, created with the help of well-placed superior-quality images. 

The testimonial section is quite refreshing, as it uses video testimonials from actual patients to build credibility. Visitors also get to take a tour of the fantastic office, thanks to a video showing the different departments, like consultation and surgery.

18. Marc Malek, MD

The best thing about this site is how different on-site elements have been blended to create a cohesive and balanced experience for a visitor. However, the highlight has to be the “FAQs” section which provides answers to important questions a potential client might have about the facility. 

Especially pleasing is the use of a white background which helps each section stand out on the homepage. The footer of this webpage is also well-designed as it includes the contact information, address, social media handles, and the search menu for easy navigation.

19. Scottsdale Plastics

No one can deny that this site has an extremely attractive design due to the use of bright pictures and the color purple for highlights. Immediately after the page loads, a visitor comes across some excellent before and after photos dealing with client transformation after a surgery. 

A major section on the homepage that stands out is that of the various reviews highlighted using a purple background. And just below is the call-back request form, which has a simple design to collect relevant data. There is also a fixed footer on this page with a click-to-start button that guides users to book a virtual consultation session.

20. Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery

The ingenious design of the Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery website features a medium-light shade of cyan color to make the pages more appealing to visitors. Apart from being used as a highlight, the color creates a bright and rejuvenating environment which goes well with the business. 

Furthermore, the social media and review sections have been given a different design compared to the rest of the homepage to attract potential clients. It’s especially evident from the photo-based background used for the featured reviews, which are placed inside white boxes to create a stark contrast.

Related: Improve your online search traffic by getting higher placements with the help of SEO services for cosmetic surgery practices.

21. Regency Specialist

The website of Regency Specialist changes the usual boring style chosen by many medical facilities by adopting a distinct design that focuses on experience. The homepage welcomes you with a video of the facility and the different departments, which points to luxury and care. Scrolling through the page gives you enough information about the facility, the procedures offered, and the doctors without being overwhelming. 

Towards the bottom of the page, you get to see the various accreditations of the business which is key to building trust. Besides, there are dedicated pages for various plastic surgery procedures that provide detailed explanations of what to expect.

22. Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery & Skin Center

The Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery website follows a classic and clean design to take visitors through what they can expect from the business. One of the most interesting aspects of the design has to be the use of fancy fonts at the beginning of each section. 

Moreover, the use of green and beige colors along with high-quality images of models proves successful in engaging potential clients. Another special element is the “schedule” button on the top-right corner of the page in the menu bar that’s always in plain sight of a visitor.

23. Eppley Plastic Surgery

The Eppley Plastic Surgery website has a straight-to-the-point design to reduce clutter and help visitors quickly determine if that’s what they are looking for in a plastic surgeon. On the homepage, a visitor is greeted with all the necessary information about Dr. Barry Eppley, his work experience, and his certifications.

After scrolling down the homepage, prospective clients are able to see a laid-out menu that takes them to important pages, like the photo gallery and online consultation forms. The homepage also has a contact form to provide answers to specific queries.

24. Austin Cosmetic Surgery

The Austin Cosmetic Surgery uses a dark purple color to draw attention to points of interest like CTA and contact buttons. Unlike other facilities, this page is meant to cater to both male and female perspectives, so dark purple works well. 

Besides, the homepage does an excellent job of giving an overview of the services, and most sections have a “Read More” button to encourage visitors to read more pages. But the highlight of the homepage has to be the “Success Stories” section, which provides reviews from actual patients and includes high-quality photos of them to create trust.

25. Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solution

At times it’s advantageous for a facility to opt for a more information-based on-site design that’ll satisfy potential clients, thanks to the knowledge they gain about a business. The Donaldson Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Solution website uses this design choice by filling the homepage with relevant information about the procedures and available plastic surgeons. 

However, what works even better is the careful placement of CTA buttons in-between the sections in a bright green color. Another feature is the use of an interactive card-based design which is refreshing as it makes the webpage look less cluttered.

26. Phoenix Liposuction Center

This website has full-page photo slides focused on different parts of the body that are prone to fat deposits. So, right off the bat, this design choice fulfills the goal of this business as it excels at liposuction procedures. 

There’s also a section on the homepage that focuses on patient stories by combining written and video reviews. Another key design element is the integration of blogs into the homepage that gives a visitor the latest updates about the facility.

27. Amirlak Plastic Surgery

Amirlak Plastic Surgery is another website based on a simple and clean design with ample white space between different sections. One thing that stands out is the confidence of the facility in some of the services like 3-D imaging and print modeling, which are highlighted using a dark blue color. 

An interesting feature of this webpage is the research section which emphasizes and displays the leading papers published by Dr. Amirlak, the lead surgeon of the facility. The papers are presented as easy-to-read cards, and on clicking them, a visitor is taken to the respective abstract.

28. Illume Cosmetic Surgery

By far, Illume is one of the liveliest plastic surgery websites one may come across. The homepage greets you with a fun video accompanied by a text on living life beautifully. Even though it’s subtle, the use of blue, pink, and yellow colors provides a bright yet soothing theme to the page. 

Moreover, the homepage has a section dedicated to products, which is great for letting clients know about all the things offered by the facility. There’s also a news section to keep the visitors updated with what’s happening in Illume and to draw attention to upcoming special launches.

29. Prischmann Facial Plastic Surgery

What makes this website stand out is its radiance, thanks to the use of bright and beautiful pictures of the smiling team members. These pictures make potential clients more comfortable, especially when they’re going to opt for a major operation like plastic surgery. Other than that, the site has a straightforward design with several pages and sections discussing what you can expect from the facility. 

The designers have made sure to add a “Featured Procedures” section that highlights the most sought-after services of the facility. Plus, the use of the soothing teal color with the combination of line art and ample white space definitely makes this section more eye-catching.

30. Natural Results Plastic Surgery

To be honest, the blurred-out purple and black theme presented at first seems quite mysterious, especially with respect to plastic surgery. And that’s what successfully directs your attention to the rest of this site. The purple and black color theme is maintained throughout the page, creating a unique as well as intriguing aesthetic. 

Different on-site elements like illustrations, graphics, and animations are strategically used in this webpage, as evident in the procedure section of the homepage. And hovering over the cards gives you a glimpse of some procedures done by the surgeon on specific body parts.

31. Marina Plastic Surgery

Marina Plastic Surgery is one of the leading plastic surgery facilities in the US, and it’s evident by the effortless design of its site. The carefree beach-themed opening photos ease you into the information about the services provided by this Los Angeles-based facility. Moreover, the bright teal highlights with equally bright images is the perfect mix to get clients interested. 

The picture-focused homepage looks pretty good as it helps the visitors connect with the work done by the facility. And the hamburger menu at the top-right section unveils a detailed menu with easy-to-access informative sections that have everything from transformation pictures to real patient stories.

Stand Out from the Crowd

32. The Oaks Plastic Surgery

The monochromatic aesthetics of this site with the teal highlights are able to instantly grab the attention of visitors. Rather than beating around the bush, the “Contact Us” and “Photo Gallery” buttons are present on the opening page. The latter is especially interesting as it leads visitors to a beautifully laid out gallery with high-quality before and after photos of procedures accompanied by case details.

Furthermore, the rest of the homepage is quite interesting due to the use of loop images, leading visitors to learn about the procedures. There’s also an integrated video section right before the end, which is meant to increase interaction and generate response from potential clients.

33. Houston Faces

This is another plastic surgery page where the design maintains a nice balance between bright and monochromatic colors to help visitors focus on the text. While there are blocks of texts on the homepage, they’re often contrasted with an additional pop of colors in the background. 

One element of the on-site design that stands out is the placement of the virtual consultation button above the menu. Due to this unique and upfront placement, many visitors almost instantly click on the button to book a consultation after visiting the page.

34. DFW Plastic Surgery

The DFW Plastic Surgery website has a no-fuss design, and it gets right to the point by showing the visitors what the facility has to offer. Its homepage opens to a beautiful image accompanied by the name of the establishment and the contact number. Right below are the social media handles that’ll let visitors connect with the business. 

One of the striking elements of the page has to be the section dedicated to knowing the lead plastic surgeon. The shade of blue used for this section isn’t jarring, and it successfully draws focus to the important points. Moreover, the use of a large, high-quality smiling picture of the surgeon makes visitors feel at ease to browse through the rest of the site.

35. Brandon Adams Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Blue is one of the best colors to use for website designs when the goal is to achieve a classy and aesthetic look. This site uses various shades of blue in an excellent way, making it look professional. However, what stands out is the strategic use of the logo around the page so that visitors don’t forget about the facility any time soon. 

Another well-executed design concept is the contact form placed near the bottom of the homepage.

36. North Texas Plastic Surgery

Hands down, what makes this plastic surgery website different is the use of animations that guide a visitor while moving from one section to another. The site also greets you with a welcome video, which is always nice to familiarize a visitor with the business. Below you get to know about the available doctors as well as a countdown of their combined experience, which helps build credibility. 

The best thing about this webpage has to be the tiled design to display the various available procedures. Its combination of attractive images change when hovering over a different tile, and successfully generates user interest in the brand.

37. Brampton Plastic Surgery

When building a plastic surgery facility site, it’s essential to choose a design that’s comforting to a visitor as they’re going to opt for major procedures. The majorly white background and the soft theme of this webpage work well to convey the message of care to potential clients. Moreover, the large yet delicate headlines, along with the use of bright images, seem fitting for the business. 

Another unique aspect of this page is the card-based design of various sections that can be accessed by clicking on the hamburger menu. They become even more interactive for the visitors, thanks to the animations, which makes navigating the page less confusing.

38. VIP Plastic Surgery

As soon as someone opens this site, they’ll know that the facility means business. It has a pretty straightforward information-based design meant to help potential clients find a desirable cosmetic procedure. A simplest yet effective design element used by this website is a large and bold font in the headlines to generate greater interest among visitors. 

Moreover, the designers of this site weren’t shy about using a bright and bold color palette to make the right information pop. They have also emphasized sections like the one on reviews by increasing the font size to draw attention and build credibility. 

Related: Paid advertising can be tricky for medical practices, but they can provide a valuable source of leads for your plastic surgeons.

39. John E Sherman MD

The John E Sherman MD website is an excellent example of utilizing a classic design by adding thoughtful elements like attractive animations. This site has an informative homepage with everything that a potential client may need, like the accreditation of the surgeon, available procedures, and a section to book an appointment. 

Also, the mostly white background has been complimented with black buttons, fonts, and blocks, to create an aesthetic contrast. There’s even an integrated before and after gallery section on the opening image, which directs clients to a full gallery with transformation pictures arranged in well-designed segments.

40. Gotham Plastic Surgery

This is yet another website that values the importance of having a clean design. A dark blue color is used as a highlight throughout the page, especially for the buttons. One thing that stands out is the placement of the testimonials on the homepage right after the bio of the surgeons, which can help increase trust. 

The large font throughout the site makes reading the content easier and draws focus toward essential information.

41. Cangello Plastic Surgery

The Cangello Plastic Surgery website proves that including the right amount of information is essential to increase trust among potential clients. At the same time, the on-site design includes attractive, high-quality pictures to separate the information and highlight the relevant procedures. 

One thing that stands out is the mention of the facility in the media with the opening image. This can immediately catch the attention of visitors and establish the facility as a credible option for getting plastic surgery procedures. 

42. Olivia Hutchinson, MD

While this website has a classic and clean look, what makes it different is the video introduction of the surgeon right on top of the homepage. It’s paired with a bright and beautiful picture of the plastic surgeon, which is always a plus for making visitors more comfortable. 

Another distinct feature is the use of pink flowers in the background to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing theme, representing care and beauty.

43. Pacific Plastic Surgery Group

Initial browsing may give the impression that the Pacific Plastic Surgery Group website is a bit too packed, but the layout is quite effective in encouraging clients to book appointments. Everything from the bold, all-caps headlines to large stand-out images gives a distinct look to all the pages. 

Even after utilizing many design elements, the designer has been able to keep the perfect amount of white space to create contrast and separate individual sections.

44. Gawley Plastic Surgery

It’s delightful to go through the Gawley Plastic Surgery website as the homepage is laid out like a piece of art. The site opens up with a professional video showing the facility as well as the lead plastic surgeons. On further scrolling, you’ll see videos from past clients and some of the procedures offered by the facility.

Every section stands out due to the use of a beautiful soothing blue that matches the logo of this business. One of the attention-grabbing elements of the homepage is the awards and achievements section.

45. Dr. Elyassnia Plastic Surgeon

By far, this is one of the most creative and attractive websites on this list, mostly because of its slide-based layout. Every slide aims to provide a visitor with the essential information without overpowering the other sections. Furthermore, the addition of animated arrows as guides makes navigation easier. And the internal pages have condensed information with attractive images for easy browsing.

46. Dr. James Anthony Plastic Surgery

One of the best things about this website is the balanced layout that prioritizes organization. The site welcomes you with a beautiful full-page image accompanied by a minimalistic menu and the logo of the facility. 

An ample amount of the homepage is dedicated to the available procedures, which establishes the surgeon’s expertise. Moreover, each category contains a small body of text with highlighted links to the relevant pages to give the homepage a clean look.

47. Capizzi, M.D.

The Capizzi MD website has a practical design that maintains a balance between the use of texts and images to convey information. An excellent addition is the “Schedule A Consultation” button right at the top of the homepage so that potential clients won’t need to look all over the page for it. 

Its homepage does a good job of highlighting the advantages of visiting the facility by separating each point into sections and using high-quality images. The inside pages are just as attractive, with information laid out in easy-to-understand text blocks and bold headlines.

48. Miami Plastic Surgery

This website is an example of utilizing an uncomplicated on-page design without compromising on user engagement. The homepage is free from any large bodies of text and rather serves as a platform to provide links to relevant pages. Also, the design focuses on bringing clarity to the visitor by including images of the plastic surgeons as well as the procedures available at the facility.

49. Miami Aesthetic

The design truly reflects the name of this facility due to the aesthetic design and use of eye-catching images. Overall, the layout of this website is quite simple, but the opening video acts as a hook for a visitor. What makes them stay is the unique slider-based animation used for the before and after images on the homepage for showing clients’ transformations.

50. Rapaport Plastic Surgery

The Rapaport Plastic Surgery website serves as the perfect template for how to mix and match different design elements without making them overpowering. Even though the dominant color chosen for this page is white, a lovely red has been utilized to highlight buttons, contacts, and headlines. Moreover, the menu has been laid out in an organized manner so that visitors are able to find relevant sections without much trouble.

Building an Impressive Cosmetic Surgery Website

Are you in the process of building a new website for your cosmetic surgery center? How exciting!

Let’s go through some of the most important steps in building a new or redesigning an existing cosmetic surgery website.

Feel free to skip the first few sections if you already have a domain name, hosting service, and website platform chosen!

1.) Acquiring a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name for your cosmetic surgery website is a vital step in establishing your online identity. It serves as the address that visitors will use to access your website and plays a significant role in branding and recognition.

Here’s a step-by-step process to help you select the perfect domain name:

  1. Brainstorm: Start by generating ideas for your domain name, considering your business name, the services you offer, and your location.
  2. Simplicity: Keep your domain name simple, easy to spell, and pronounce. Avoid using complex words, hyphens, or numbers.
  3. Consistency: If your business has an established brand name, it’s generally a good idea to include it in your domain name. For example, if your business name is Jackson Cosmetic Surgery Center, avoid registering a domain like ACutAboveTheRest.net.
  4. Availability: Check the availability of your desired domain names before proceeding. Many common domain names have already been registered. If that’s the case, check if your desired domain name is not being used and is available for purchase. However, be cautious about spending too much on a domain name that is up for sale.
  5. Domain Extensions: Consider which domain extension best suits your website’s purpose. While .com is the most common and recognized extension, there are other options like .net, .org, or industry-specific extensions like .surgery.
  6. Legal Considerations: Before registering your domain name, conduct a trademark search to ensure it doesn’t infringe upon someone else’s intellectual property. Avoid registering a domain name that includes another cosmetic surgery center’s business name or the name of a well-known cosmetic surgery brand.
  7. Register the Domain: Once you’ve selected an available domain name, it’s time to register it through a reputable domain registrar. As a digital agency, we have helped numerous clients manage domain names through various registrars. We have found GoDaddy and Namecheap to be the easiest domain registrars to manage.

2.) Selecting a Website Platform for Your Cosmetic Surgery Center

After figuring out your domain name, the next step is selecting a website platform for your cosmetic surgery website.

Most plastic surgeons are going to develop content-based websites with patient galleries, contact forms, consultation calendars, and live chats to drive conversions.

When it comes to website platforms, most cosmetic surgery centers find WordPress to be an excellent choice. Nevertheless, there are alternative options such as Wix and other hosted website builders.

  1. WordPress: WordPress serves as a versatile and widely used content management system (CMS) that offers extensive flexibility and customization options. It caters to all types of cosmetic surgery center websites, ranging from simple sites to more complex ones that facilitate appointment scheduling through third-party plugins. With a plethora of themes inspired by the cosmetic industry and helpful plugins at your disposal, WordPress enables you to create a highly personalized website tailored to your cosmetic surgery center’s needs. It’s an ideal choice if you prioritize control and desire the ability to expand your website’s functionalities over time. While there is a hosted version of WordPress, most users prefer the open-source version installed on a web hosting account.
  2. Wix: The Wix platform shares similarities with WordPress. It offers comparable page building features and operates as a hosted solution. We have worked on cosmetic surgery center websites built with Wix, and it is a competent page builder that we confidently recommend. Wix eliminates the need for a separate web hosting service.

It isn’t common to see ecommerce functionality on a plastic surgeon’s website.

Web Hosting Considerations

If you opt for platforms like WordPress or WooCommerce, you’ll need to select a web hosting service.

As a shameless suggestion, we often recommend our own web hosting service because of its excellent compatibility with WordPress websites. However, if you prefer alternative hosting options, consider the following reliable web hosting services from different companies:

  1. WP Engine: We highly recommend WP Engine as one of the best web hosting services for cosmetic surgery centers. They offer a user-friendly control panel, allowing easy creation of staging websites. Their backup process is seamless. The only drawback we’ve encountered is the limitations they impose on PHP max_execution_time. Note that their pricing can escalate if you require upgraded services.
  2. SiteGround: We have always had a positive experience with SiteGround. Their live chat and email support are excellent compared to more well-known hosting companies. The wait time to get in touch with someone is minimal, and the initial support staff typically resolves the issue. Their backup tools are user-friendly, and they offer reasonable pricing for cosmetic surgery centers.

3.) Selecting a Website Template for Your Cosmetic Surgery Center

For most cosmetic surgery centers, it’s common to purchase and customize a third-party website template as it significantly reduces the cost and time required for web development. However, if your center prefers a custom design, you can always hire a custom web developer or custom ecommerce developer to build a theme from scratch.

Now, let’s focus on suggestions for finding a pre-built website template to set up your cosmetic surgery center’s website! Here are some links to the main theme marketplaces you should consider:

WordPress Cosmetic Surgery Themes

You can find free themes at wordpress.org, or explore cosmetic surgery-inspired templates on ThemeForest.

TouchUp – Themeforest


Isida – Themeforest


Renewal – Themeforest


Progery – Themeforest


Wix Cosmetic Surgery Themes

Discover both free and paid themes in the marketplace at wix.com. Some of these themes are well-suited for cosmetic surgery centers.

4.) Creating Content & Adding Images for Your Cosmetic Surgery Center

Now that you have your domain name, website platform, and theme sorted out, it’s time to start building compelling content for your cosmetic surgery center’s website!

Here are some helpful tips to create engaging and effective website copy specifically tailored to your cosmetic surgery center:

  1. Understand your target audience: Before writing a single word, gain a deep understanding of your target audience. Define their demographics, preferences, and needs. Craft content that addresses their concerns, offers valuable information, and resonates with them. This will help improve your search engine rankings for cosmetic surgery-related searches relevant to your center.
  2. Define your key messages: Determine the main messages you want to convey through your website content. Ensure they align with your brand, highlight your unique advantages, and clearly communicate the benefits of choosing your cosmetic surgery center.
  3. Keep it concise and scannable: Online readers tend to skim through content, so make your writing concise and easy to consume. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, subheadings, and bold text to break up the content and improve readability.
  4. Create clear and compelling headlines: Craft attention-grabbing headlines that immediately convey the value and relevance of your cosmetic surgery center. A well-crafted headline can encourage visitors to explore your website further and learn more about your services.
  5. Incorporate keywords strategically: Conduct keyword research and strategically incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content. This can enhance the visibility of your cosmetic surgery website in search engine results. However, avoid excessive keyword usage, as it can harm readability and user experience. Tools like Ahrefs or Semrush can assist with keyword research.
  6. Maintain a conversational tone: Write in a conversational manner that resonates with your target audience. Avoid jargon or overly technical language unless it is necessary for your specific audience. For instance, you may not need to explain intricate surgical procedures unless your audience requires such information. Engage your readers by addressing them directly and adopting a friendly, approachable style.
  7. Edit and proofread: Always edit and proofread your cosmetic surgery content before publishing. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure the flow of your content is smooth and logical while aligning with your brand voice and style guidelines. Tools like Grammarly can be helpful!
  8. Leverage ChatGPT for assistance: If you encounter challenges generating ideas or need help refining the content on your cosmetic surgery website, consider leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT.

In order to break up long sections of text, it is essential to incorporate relevant and high-quality images into your content. Here are some valuable tips:

  1. Choose high-quality images: Opt for visually appealing and well-composed high-resolution images. Avoid using blurry or pixelated images that could detract from the overall quality of your cosmetic surgery center’s website.
  2. Ensure relevance: Select images that are directly relevant to your content and effectively illustrate your message. The images should enhance the text and provide additional context or visual interest to engage your visitors.
  3. Consider stock photo resources: Utilize reputable stock photo websites such as Unsplash, Pixabay, or Shutterstock. These platforms offer a wide range of professional-quality images related to cosmetic surgery that align with your theme. Always adhere to licensing requirements and provide necessary attributions.
  4. Customize images when possible: If you have the skills or resources, consider customizing or branding images to ensure they align with your cosmetic surgery center’s brand. This customization can help create a cohesive visual experience for your visitors. Tools like Adobe Photoshop or Canva can be useful for this purpose.
  5. Optimize image file sizes: Compress images to optimize their file sizes without compromising quality. Large image files can negatively impact your cosmetic surgery center’s website’s page speed, affecting user experience and SEO. Tools like TinyPNG can assist with image compression.

5.) Post Launch Tasks for Your Plastic Surgery Center

Once your plastic surgery center’s website is built and launched, there are several essential tasks and services to consider in order to maximize its effectiveness. Here are some key suggestions to help you navigate post-launch activities:

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Implementing SEO strategies is crucial to improving the visibility of your plastic surgery center in local search results. Conduct keyword research, optimize your content, and ensure your website has a solid internal linking structure. Regularly update and create fresh, high-quality content to attract organic traffic. Consider hiring our SEO team or exploring third-party providers like The HOTH.
  2. Paid Advertising: To generate faster traffic, consider utilizing paid advertising platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to drive targeted visitors to your plastic surgery center. You can hire our PPC management services or find talented professionals on websites like Mayple.
  3. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze your website’s performance and user behavior using tools like Google Analytics. Identify areas where users may drop off or encounter barriers to conversion. Conduct A/B testing using tools like VWO to make data-driven changes that enhance your website’s conversion rates and overall user experience.
  4. Website Security: Protecting your plastic surgery website from malware and other threats is crucial. Ensure you have robust security measures in place, such as SSL certificates, web application firewalls (like Sucuri), and regular backups. Keep your CMS, plugins, and themes up to date to minimize vulnerabilities. Monitor your website for potential security risks and promptly respond to any issues. Additionally, consider monitoring website uptime through a service like UptimeRobot.
  5. Website Maintenance: Regularly maintain your plastic surgery website to ensure optimal performance. If you’re using WordPress, this includes updating plugins and themes, monitoring website speed and performance, and resolving any broken links or errors. Consider hiring our website maintenance services or finding freelancers on platforms like Upwork. Don’t forget to regularly back up your plastic surgery website to safeguard against data loss or technical issues.
  6. User Feedback and Testing: Actively seek user feedback to understand visitor experiences and identify areas for improvement. Implement user testing and gather insights on how users interact with your plastic surgery website. Use this feedback to make iterative enhancements and continuously optimize the user experience.
  7. Content Updates: Keep your website content fresh and up to date. Regularly publish new blog posts about plastic surgery, update information about your services, and ensure that all details are accurate and relevant. Engaging and valuable content not only attracts visitors but also encourages them to return and share your content with others interested in plastic surgery.

Remember, post-launch digital marketing activities are crucial for the long-term success of your plastic surgery center’s website. Stay proactive, monitor performance, and adapt your strategies to achieve your business goals and meet the needs of your audience.

FAQs about Web Development for Cosmetic Surgery Websites

Can I update the website myself once it’s built?

Once your website is built, you’ll have the capability to update it yourself. The website will be equipped with a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that empowers you to effortlessly add, modify, or remove content, images, and other elements without the need for technical expertise.

Can you help me improve my site without building a new website?

We can assist you in enhancing your existing website without the need for a complete rebuild. Our team can analyze your current website, identify areas for improvement, and suggest changes to optimize its design, user experience, functionality, and performance.

Do template websites work well for plastic surgery websites?

Template websites can work remarkably well for plastic surgery websites. They offer a cost-effective solution that ensures a professional and visually appealing online presence. With pre-designed templates, you can easily showcase your services, display before-and-after photos, provide patient testimonials, and offer appointment scheduling.

Why should I consider a website redesign?

It provides the opportunity to enhance your online presence, aligning it with current design trends and technologies. A redesign can improve user experience, making navigation intuitive and engaging, while also optimizing your website for mobile devices. Updating your website’s aesthetics and functionality can help attract and retain visitors, boosting your brand’s credibility and engagement.

Do you provide training on how to manage the new website?

Comprehensive training is available to guide you in effectively managing and updating your new website. We’ll walk you through the content management system (CMS), demonstrating how to easily add, edit, or remove content, images, and more.

What is the cost of a plastic surgery website? 

You can expect the starting price of a template-based plastic surgery website built in WordPress to be around $4,000. If you need design mockups built into a custom theme, expect a higher starting price in the area of $10,000. The main contributors to cost increases include premium design requirements, custom functionality, and data migration.

Disclaimer: WebCitz, LLC does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the information found on this page or on any web sites linked to from this page. This blog article was written by David W in his or her personal capacity. The opinion(s) expressed in this article are the author's own and may not reflect the opinion(s) of WebCitz, LLC.